Free Promotion

Enhance your brand presence at ToolMash 2025
Take advantage of free advertising opportunities at ToolMash to attract more visitors to your stand, promote your products or services and increase the return on investment of your participation. The ToolMash marketing team can assist you in promoting your company. Simply send us news about your company, your products, or your services, along with a catchy description. Also don’t forget to invite your clients and prospects to visit your stand.
Explore the available tools to promote your company:
ToolMash is a pay-to-attend exhibition, but you can offer your customers and partners a free ticket. All you need to do is provide them with your company's unique promo code. This code entitles them to a free e-ticket when registering on the exhibition website. An unlimited number of people can register with one promo code.
Request a promo codeANNOUNCE ON YOUR WEBSITE
Announce your participation in the exhibition on your company's website. Make sure to include your stand number and information about your products and your promo code.
Send your partners and potential customers an invitation letter with your unique promo code to visit your stand at the ToolMash exhibition. We recommend placing the invitation on company letterhead and complementing it with your company data: company name, stand number, pavilion number, promo code, and why they shouldn’t miss your stand.
Download the invitation templateEXHIBITION BANNER ON YOUR WEBSITE
Download the web banner and place it on your site, don’t forget to hyperlink to the registration page.
REMEMBER: to change the word PROMOCODE in the link to your real promo code. Then the user won't have to enter it themselves when registering.
Download the exhibition logo and include it in your email signature. Don’t forget to hyperlink to the registration link, including your unique promo code. Change the word PROMOCODE in the link to your real promo code. Then, the user will not have to enter it themselves when registering.
ToolMash 2025 exhibition
2-5 December, Crocus Expo - Moscow
We invite you to visit our stand No___
Promo code: ___
Get your free ticket >>>
We welcome you to submit your company news for inclusion on the ToolMash exhibition website. Your news can feature details about innovations, new products, services, and other important information about your company. This will help to generate additional interest from professional audiences towards your brand.
News submission requirements:
- Format: Please submit your news and announcements in Word document or email only
- Headline: 70 characters with spaces
- Subheading: 115 characters with spaces
- Content: 300-800 characters with spaces
- Photos (required): 1-2 horizontal photos (1024 x 500 pixel)
Please send news, photos and illustrations, as well as your company logo to ToolMash Marketing team for placement on the site.
For more information, please contact
Alina Skrebova,
Brand Manager
E-mail: [email protected]